Hi, I'm a Frontend Developer based in El Salvador!
David Salomón Martínez Valladares
BBA / Frontend Developer / Tech Support

Who am I?
I have worked as a Technical Support Representative for one of the largest internet brands since 2018, I gained a lot of experience in technical matters with cloud products, so I decided to start building my own ones. In 2020, I took advantage of the lock-down, and I reinforced my coding skills with Javascript and React. As of right now, I'm an Applications Support Analyst, helping customers to use Google APIs for their services, AppsScript, SAML/SSO.
1993Born in San Salvador, El Salvador on Sept 7th.
2018Hired at Telus International El Salvador as a Tech Support Representative, for one of the largest Internet brands
2021Completed the Bachelor of Business Administration in ESI School of Management
2021Completed the Frontend Web Development bootcamp in Acamica
Things I love
Music, Teaching others, Cooking, Organizing things (OCD), Playing piano, Travel.
On the web
Buho Academy
Buho Academy: My online courses platform in Spanish
My Blog
I'm learning web development and I'm tracking all my achievements (and failures) in my learning journey.